If you think someone you know is being bullied or harassed there are lots of ways in which you can help them. 

  • Talk and listen to the person carefully and sympathetically 
  • Signpost them to relevant policies and/or guidance 
  • Point them to other sources of support 
  • Keep any conversations confidential (as far as possible) 
  • Ask the person what they would like to happen next.  Take their preference into account but if you feel that what they'd like to happen is not appropriate, you should talk to the person and explain why you think it needs to be handled differently.  
  • Where the incident is of a serious nature, you may wish to report it, even where the person does not wish to pursue the matter. 
In addition, if you witness something: 

  • If you feel it is safe to do so, step in and try to stop it from happening in the moment.  If you feel that directly addressing the issue is safe and may be effective, you can confront the person and call out the behaviour. Let them know you find their behaviour inappropriate, intimidating or hostile, and ask them to stop.    
  • If appropriate, encourage the person to speak to the other person informally, or to speak to an appropriate person for advice e.g. their manager. 
  • Make a note of what has happened.  This should include dates, times, locations and names, including any other witnesses.  
  • You may wish to report what you have seen via the Report & Support portal. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened